Haunted Places to Sleep at in Michigan

Haunted Places to Sleep at in Michigan

For the paranormal enthusiast, staying overnight somewhere haunted is the ultimate experience. Maybe they come home with a spooky story to tell everyone. A door opened on its own or they swear “something” sat down on the foot of their bed. Maybe they felt...
The Haunting of Mary Mayo Hall

The Haunting of Mary Mayo Hall

HAUNTED PLACES IN MICHIGAN  The Haunting of Mary Mayo Hall Written by Marissa Yardley  Mary Mayo Hall is located on Michigan State University’s northern end of campus known as “West Circle” alongside other historical buildings. It is the oldest residential hall on...

Haunted Central Michigan University

HAUNTED PLACES IN MICHIGAN  Haunted Central Michigan University Written by Mark A. France Warriner Hall on the Central Michigan University campus is said to be haunted by an actress who died during a performance. The story says she was downstairs and tried to call...

The Old Hillcrest Sanatorium

STRANGE HISTORY The Old Hillcrest Sanatorium Tuberculosis, also commonly called “consumption” and the “white plague” was a major and devastating illness at one time and still is in parts of the world. Millions of deaths were caused by tuberculosis during the 20th...
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